Bring on the New

JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group
13 September 2017
It’s September. While technically it is still summer, we can feel the change approaching in the Northeast. The air feels lighter, the smell of pumpkin spice surrounds your nose, you think about what your kid will be for Halloween, and people are back from vacation. This inevitably means that budget season is coming, work is getting completed, and deals are being made.
You may not have read our recent press release, but we added a new client this month. That means changes to my workflow, an increase in my inbox, and an exciting time of discovery and learning. Change doesn’t have to be scary. In fact, it shouldn’t be. It’s inevitable. Let’s embrace it.
I am sure you have read a social media post in which someone is complaining about others jumping the gun. “It’s still summer, why are Halloween decorations showing up in Target”. Or “Why did my neighbor put up his Christmas lights in October? I hate it. Let me enjoy Fall!” I can only wonder if those folks are merely horrible planners or all-around Debbie Downers. Who cares if Christmas music starts on the radio the day after Thanksgiving? And who cares if the girl sitting next to you on the bus has Uggs on the day after Labor Day?
Change is always coming. I guess some people just embrace it earlier than others. But early adoption and proper planning for any change is the best formula for success. So, enjoy summer a little more if you want to, but don’t forget to formulate your plan for the fall and winter if you want to be successful. Wouldn’t you rather have your Christmas shopping done Dec 1, instead of Dec 24? Imagine how much stress you could melt away by just initiating a few changes.
Same thing comes to business. If you have a new client or a new job, embrace it. There is no one alive who traveled a road with no bumps, mess-ups, or set-backs. Just make sure you always do your best, learn along the way, and above all else remain honest.
And with that, let’s start Q4, I’m ready. Are you?