Hurricane Harvey
I usually make it a point to avoid controversy in my blogs, and in so doing have overlooked arguably apropos topics such as Net Neutrality. But today, as men, women, and children suffer — in my home state of Texas — from the effects of Hurricane Harvey, I find myself unable to avoid the topic.
So far, 30 people have died, 50 counties are under water, 30,000 people are living in shelters, and more than 13,000,000 people overall have been affected… And, as I type this blog, the storm is making its second landfall.
As you can all imagine, this is creating incredible stress on various charitable organizations that are helping out. In addition to helping the injured, according to Texas Governor Greg Abbott, the Red Cross is serving approximately 130,000 meals every day to displaced Texans.
So, rather than asking you to spend more time reading this blog, or to venture out to other parts of the OCG site, my call to action today is this:
Please help.
Donate your blood. Donate your money. Donate your time.
NPR has assembled a list of charities in need of your help today.

About the Author
Jonathan D. Spiliotopoulos is a Partner with O’Brien Communications Group (www.obriencg.com), a business-to-business brand-management and marketing communication firm with responsibilities ranging from brand creation and creative concepting, to graphic design, web development, and more. He’s also an experienced teacher/trainer, presenter, a newbie dad, and is active in a number of communities and forums — online and in the real world — dedicated to helping others achieve their goals.