Investment Conversions & Consulting
A Humorous Approach to Serious Business

The Lay of the Land
ICC works in an industry of risk and reward, precision and accuracy, mathematical fact and economic reality. We had to acknowledge all that without stating it. And we had to reflect the boldness ICC had earned, without lapsing into an arrogance it doesn’t possess.
The Fertile Field
Once we knew the folks at ICC were confident enough to (let us) be playful, we used the chops we’d honed with BizComics, which we founded for this very purpose. Sprinkling cartoons throughout the content precluded the possibility that we’d dull ICC’s prospects into submission.
The Lay of the Land
ICC works in an industry of risk and reward, precision and accuracy, mathematical fact and economic reality. We had to acknowledge all that without stating it. And we had to reflect the boldness ICC had earned, without lapsing into an arrogance it doesn’t possess.
The Fertile Field
Once we knew the folks at ICC were confident enough to (let us) be playful, we used the chops we’d honed with BizComics, which we founded for this very purpose. Sprinkling cartoons throughout the content precluded the possibility that we’d dull ICC’s prospects into submission.
Before we could play with ICC’s brand identity, we had to reflect it. We created a mark that resembles a shield — impregnably solid, unfailingly reliable, unmistakably simple. We colored it the sky-blue of possibility. And we knocked out the lettering to suggest transparency.
We created a website that’s easy to navigate, the content of which is readily accessible, with the deliverables plainly apparent — Services, Consulting, Products. The multi-panel home page contains About ICC, Clients, and Careers. And the Contact form appears in every page footer.
We created a still-growing series of cartoons, each of which depicts and pokes knowing fun at some aspect of ICC’s business, from elephants in the room (ignoring the obvious) to driving off cliffs (lacking objective direction) and tradeshow confusion (selecting the right vendor).
Blog Posts
We created a blog, with posts that convey authoritative takes on various aspects of the investment industry and its attendant systems. And we created cartoons to accompany them, knowing that pictures that engage, educate, and entertain are worth more than 1,000 words.
Direct Email
We used the topics of the blog posts we wrote, along with their corresponding cartoons, to create a series of direct emails, which we send to targeted prospects on a regular schedule. That keeps the ICC brand top of mind for prospects, while giving them something to smile about.
Social Media
When we publish ICC’s blog posts, we also post them on LinkedIn, since ICC is heavily networked. Those posts drive traffic to the ICC site, help improve its SEO results, attract more eyeballs than we would in any single medium, and help to establish ICC’s authority more broadly.
Before we could play with ICC’s brand identity, we had to reflect it. We created a mark that resembles a shield — impregnably solid, unfailingly reliable, unmistakably simple. We colored it the sky-blue of possibility. And we knocked out the lettering to suggest transparency.
We created a website that’s easy to navigate, the content of which is readily accessible, with the deliverables plainly apparent — Services, Consulting, Products. The multi-panel home page contains About ICC, Clients, and Careers. And the Contact form appears in every page footer.
We created a still-growing series of cartoons, each of which depicts and pokes knowing fun at some aspect of ICC’s business, from elephants in the room (ignoring the obvious) to driving off cliffs (lacking objective direction) and tradeshow confusion (selecting the right vendor).
Blog Posts
We created a blog, with posts that convey authoritative takes on various aspects of the investment industry and its attendant systems. And we created cartoons to accompany them, knowing that pictures that engage, educate, and entertain are worth more than 1,000 words.
Direct Email
We used the topics of the blog posts we wrote, along with their corresponding cartoons, to create a series of direct emails, which we send to targeted prospects on a regular schedule. That keeps the ICC brand top of mind for prospects, while giving them something to smile about.
Social Media
When we publish ICC’s blog posts, we also post them on LinkedIn, since ICC is heavily networked. Those posts drive traffic to the ICC site, help improve its SEO results, attract more eyeballs than we would in any single medium, and help to establish ICC’s authority more broadly.
Next Steps
Your brand is nothing to laugh about. But we’ll have fun positioning and promoting it.
If you take your business seriously, but not yourself, please contact us today.