I like to think of myself as a modern day telecommuting super-woman. For example, in a one-hour lunch break, I can fold a load of laundry, bring snacks and fresh water out to the chickens, let the dogs outside to do their business, make and eat a semi-healthy lunch with my one-year old, make a fresh batch of almond milk, let the afternoon sitter in with her children, brew another cup of coffee, and head back up to my office.
Was It Really Like That in the 50s?
Some days I longingly daydream of being a 1950s housewife. I wouldn’t be expected to work. I’d be able to cook and bake all day long in my checkered apron, drinking wine and popping happy pills. In those days, my child would have been able to play with metal toys, wouldn’t have been required to be in a car seat, and would have lived in a house full of lead-based paint. Okay. Back to reality.

We may not be as advanced technologically and societally as the Jetsons. But if I had to add a drive to and from the office to my one-hour lunch break, I’d get a lot less done. I’d also spend much more money on gas, clothing, and food. And when I got a refill on my cup of Joe, I wouldn’t get a hug and kiss from my toddler. As with everything, there are always a few downsides. But I know the list of pros far surpasses the cons.
It takes the right person to have the drive, dedication, and discipline to be a telecommuter. But after eight years of doing it, I couldn’t see my life any other way.