Daylight Savings Time

JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group
9 November 2017
Most of the time when you hear the word savings in any context, it evokes happy thoughts. Saving money, saving time, and saving energy are some that come to mind. But when you mention daylight savings, many people get their panties in a bunch.
Who wants to save daylight?
Whether you are on social media or have made a trip out into society over the last week, you have likely read or heard someone complaining about DST. Some parents (of both fur-children and human children) complain about their beloveds having a hard time adjusting to new bedtimes, wake times, and feeding times. Others complain it gets dark early, and they are unable to enjoy the sunshine after a long day’s work.
But what I want to know is who wants to save daylight? And what are we saving it for? Will we be able to go into our Daylight Savings bank in the nicer Spring weather and cash in on some extra daytime when we actually want to be outside? If that’s the case, then I’ll take it! Take my daylight in this thirty-degree weather and sign me up for some seventy-degree hours.
In the business world, nothing much changes during DST. It may seem like time is jumbled for a few days, but your calendar still runs normally, and most people use modern technology – in which clocks update themselves – so they continue to be on time. But you have to admit to still hearing the conversations from co-workers and their personal woes surrounding the change. I guess it stems from humans being change-averse by nature.
As I have mused about before, I prefer to embrace change, not complain about it. Take all changes as they come. Whether it be a time change, a career change, or a life change — I promise you will overcome it. Those kids will soon resume normal sleep schedules (if they had one to begin with), the dog or cat will realize he isn’t getting fed for another hour, darkness at 4:30 p.m. will seem normal, and the water cooler conversation will move to snow and other cold-related woes.