48 Down, 4 To Go

JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group
5 December 2019
The first 48 weeks of the year are gone, and only the final four remain. I’ve started putting some thought into the promise I’d like to make to myself in 2020. Last year, I opted for a promise to practice more acceptance. I was able to learn how to accept myself as well as others. I’d call it radical acceptance as opposed to ignorant bliss. I really dug deep. I’ve accepted most of the blame, anger, and projection I used to harbor. I no longer allow it to be ignored or pushed down, but I’ve brought it to the surface, studied it, accepted it, and moved past it. That’s healing.
Did you lose your biggest account this year? Did your pipeline suffer from unexpected challenges? Did you lose your key salesperson? These situations happen every day at companies – large and small – all over the world. Just like no person is perfect, no business is perfect, either. But the key is in learning from the mistakes. First, you must accept that they happened, and then you’ll learn how to best move forward.
This year I want to focus on growth. I want to promise myself that on January 1, 2021, I’ll be farther along than I am today. And I want to promise to give myself the space I need to grow.
We lost because we told ourselves we lost. – Leo Tolstoy
We’re 92 percent of the way through 2019. I’ve accomplished my goals for the year and prepped for next year. I’d say I’m ready for some eggnog, a few silent nights, and a fresh start come January. The holiday season brings an element of calm surrender that I’ve been craving all year – a time to recharge my batteries.
I hope you find some time in the coming weeks to do the same. Think of where you’ve been, where you are, and where’d like to be.
Then get there!