My July Journey: Part One

JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group
August 1, 2024
It’s been a while since my last blog post, I know. The last time I published one was June 27th. But a lot has happened since. And my hiatus has not only filled my cup, but it has now officially overflowed.
The Beginning
I started my journey on the fourth of July. After weeks of preparation, packing lists, and actual packing, I drove myself to JFK airport and arrived very early – a trait of mine that might make others shudder. Who wants to arrive at the airport five hours before their flight? I’ll tell you who. This girl! And I’m glad I did. I was able to check into my flight early and to enjoy a meal while watching the NYC fireworks. I haven’t seen those since I moved from my hometown of Bloomfield, NJ in 2011. And I must admit, they were glorious.
Then I boarded a plane to Paris, France. I sat next to two lovely gentlemen who had been living in NYC for more than 30 years but emigrated into the country from Turkey. They didn’t know each other while living in Turkey but met soon after their arrival. They were best friends headed to watch a soccer game together in Germany. We shared our adventures in parenting. We shared our holiday plans. And we shared our humanity. Their stories filled my heart, and I felt as if I’d known them for many years. I smile thinking of these two men, who once came to America with a suitcase and a dream. And in their 60s, they were able to fly to Germany for two nights to watch a game together and build their friendship more deeply.
En Route
Once our plane left the runway, I got set up with my glorious neck pillow, a blanket, and my ear pods to listen to a peaceful meditation. And I slept for the majority of my seven-hour flight. When we arrived in Paris, we said our goodbyes. I still recall the way their smiles made me feel as we parted ways and continued our journeys.
Once I got my luggage in Paris, I moseyed along to customs and proudly added a Paris, France, stamp to my passport. My adventure had officially begun. I’d made it to Europe.
I had about an hour to burn in Paris before my flight to Naples, Italy. And I did what I intended to do all along: I purchased a box of macaroons (which came in a 2024 Olympics box) and sat down for a Parisian airport lunch and a glass of Champagne.