

SHAME & FORGIVENESS Renew JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group 18 November 2021 Yesterday I went to the library to pick up my renewed library card. The last time I stepped foot in the library was more than two years ago. Once the pandemic started, I...
Say What?

Say What?

Our friends at CNBC have joined our friends at Harvard Business Review (HBR) and our other friends in the nation’s capital to collaborate on The Great Infantilization. While our friends at CNBC and HBR are supposed to be educating us, or at least sharing...


SELF-WORTH & READING Validation JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group 11 November 2021 I must admit, my Amazon wish list has gotten out of hand. More than 60 book titles stare back at me when I look for my next read. They sit patiently on my virtual...


PEACE & TURBULENCE Turbulence JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group 4 November 2021 On February 15, 2019, I bought myself a Valentine’s Day gift package. I purchased three books, one of them being Inward by yung pueblo. The other two were Billy Lynn’s...