Fourth Quarter Reflection

JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group
3 October 2019
Welcome to the fourth quarter! Can you even believe it? Did you accomplish your 2019 goals? If I go back to my first blog post of the year, I can confidently say I accomplished the goal I set forth:
This year is not about drastic changes for me. I just want to learn to be grateful for all I have — and to only allow my mind to dwell on the positive. – JoAnna Bennett
I have much to be grateful for, and I’ve learned an awful lot about dwelling on the positive. By the end of the year, I’ll have successfully purchased my own home, become a divorcee (I hope it’ll be over by then), and be focusing on new clients in new industries! 2020 is shaping up to be a year of transformation and positive change.
A quick Google search turned up this meaning for the number 2020, and I’ve got to say I’m even more excited:
Since I like to plan and prepare for the future, I’m already setting up 2020’s goals to align with optimism and enthusiasm – in all aspects of my life. Of course, it’s easy to come into a crazy day of work with a chip on my shoulder. Or prepare for a client call I’m dreading by complaining, drinking too much coffee, and whining with a co-worker. But it’s my attitude that dictates my day. I must pepper in some optimism and enthusiasm, in every part of the day. And not for any one’s sake but my own.
Sure, it’s important to accept things as they are. But we can also transform them into what we want them to be. Enthusiasm is contagious. Optimism is invigorating.
Winston Churchill had it right:
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.