Happy New Year

JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group
3 January 2020
Take a deep breath in through your nose then let it out through your mouth. We did it. The holidays have concluded, and we’ve begun another rotation around our favorite vitamin-D-emitting, golden orb. My Christmas tree is now living in the back yard, and my house resembles its former self. The gentle purr of the school bus along with the click of my daughter’s seatbelt was a joyous reminder that normal life has resumed.
It’s not that I don’t enjoy the holidays, I do. I like the smells, the songs, the gift-giving, and the over-the-top magic of the season. I like writing letters to Santa and creating art projects with my kids’ handprints. I also like embracing the peace and joy that have been wished upon me. But if you look in the playroom, while it may be full of joy, peaceful it is not. I wish at the end of the season there was a magic elf that came and cleaned that disaster.
New Promises
This year, I promise to focus on myself. I promise to make my growth a priority. There is no time to list excuses or hand away my power. There is only time to harness the momentum and see where it takes me. Last year, I promised to practice acceptance. And while it served me well in 2019, I don’t want to accept where I am in 2020. I want to push for more.
“There is something very empowering about having the experience of changing your brain’s activity with your mind.” ― Bessel A. van der Kolk
How About You?
What’s your promise for 2020? And please don’t say eat healthy or go to the gym. Dig deep. Think about a few things that you can’t stand about your current existence – and make changes. Read more. Watch TV less. Talk to your friends. Spend quality time with your kids. Focus on a new hobby or get a new certification to propel your career. And I promise – if you tell me your goal, I’ll support you.
We’re in this together!