Longest Day of the Year

JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group
June 22, 2023
I was having a bit of writer’s block. I didn’t know what I should write about this week. My usual searching for quotes and finding inspiration wasn’t working. I sat and stared at the blinking cursor in the blank Word document. What should I write about? Then I realized today is the summer solstice. So, I gave into my desire to head outside. Where better to find inspiration than outside on the longest day of the year.
I walked out my front door, took a deep breath, and noticed the most beautiful double halo rainbow circling the sun. I know I shouldn’t look directly into the sun. I put my sunglasses on and blocked the sun with my hand to take in the beauty. Wow.
Go Outside
I took the double halo as my sign to go outside and begin to write. And then I ran across the following quote from the author Carole Carlton, “The summer solstice is a time for strength and vitality for action and movement.” Ahh. Movement. Thank you, Carole.
As I sat outside, I heard a plethora of birds talking to each other. I imagined they were discussing my tie-dye rainbow Vermont shirt. Or perhaps they, too, were enchanted by the double halo rainbow encompassing the sun. I also could smell the sweet nectar of my neighbor’s honeysuckle. And when I glanced over to it, I noticed a group of bees playfully pouncing from flower to flower enjoying what the bush had to offer. And it was at that moment that I knew, this was why I needed to be outside. I needed to write about today. I needed to home in on the peace and beauty of this exact moment.
The Summer Solstice of 2023
Each year, I get further along the path of being able to appreciate what life has to offer. And while I constantly think I fully get it, I’m reminded when I look back, that I had much to learn. This summer solstice, I’m going to home in on the strength and vitality I’ve been able to produce within me. While I’ve progressed mentally through the years, this has been the first year I’ve progressed physically. I’ve been steadfast in my commitment to working out and by doing so, I’ve been able to see a physical difference. I’m stronger and more self-assured than I’ve ever been. And I’m ready for the journey ahead.