My July Journey: Part Three

JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group
August 15, 2024
This is the third part in a multipart series about the journey I took throughout July. If you’d like to read part two, please click here:
As Carmine pulled the Mercedez Benz Sprinter into the hotel parking lot, my heart beat with joy and gratitude. I had finished my almost 24-hour travel day and landed in my temporary home. I bid arrivederci to Carmine and thanked him graciously for the ride and for his company. The lobby doors opened automatically as I walked in, luggage in tow, to see my family waiting for me in the lobby. I saw Zio Teo having a lively conversation with a man who turned out to be the evening’s entertainment. And I walked over to my aunt – who will be known from here on out as la donna Donna – and my cousin Francesca (who is more akin to a little sister), as well as her aunt, Debra.
When Francesca saw me, she ran up to me and gave me a hug. I could feel her palpable jubilation immediately. We had planned this trip for almost a year. And here we were. Together. At last! After a brief greeting, she and I went to our room so I could quickly wash up and change out of my airport clothes before we headed back down to the lobby. At this point, it was about 9:00 p.m., which in Italy is the perfect time for dinner. We called the nearby trattoria, Da Nello, and ordered two pizzas. As we waited for them to be delivered, we enjoyed a cocktail and the live music.
When Maria arrived on her orange Vespa, our pizza arrived with her. And we soon found out we were not allowed to eat the pizza in the hotel lobby. So Zio Teo, la donna Donna, Debra, Francesca, and I brought the pizza back to our terrazza and enjoyed every single delizioso bite. My first meal in Italy was perfect. It was informal, full of laughter and love, and in the company of family. Once the pizza was devoured, we agreed an early bedtime was in order since we had a big day ahead of us.
In the morning, we had to meet in the lobby by 7:15 a.m. as we were going to the town center to take a boat ride to the island of Capri. I fell asleep thinking of what I would see the next day. The beauty of the Blue Grotto, the refreshing spray from the Gulf of Naples, and the fresh seafood that awaited me. And the most important part: creating memories with my family. Because as they say in Italia, “La famiglia è la patria del cuore.”
“Family is the homeland of the heart.”