Perennially Curious

JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group
May 23, 2024
I am a self-proclaimed yogi. I adore all the mediative, self-soothing, and strength-building aspects of yoga. And I try to practice at lease 5-6 times a week. Of course, there are days I opt for more strenuous workouts – or frankly none at all – but over the past two years, it’s something I’ve grown to rely on. Practicing yoga helps me connect my body, my mind, and my soul. As I wrote in Win the Wellness W.A.R., “As I learned how to connect with my body’s flow, I became skilled at noting certain areas of tightness. Yoga poses and stretches teach you to recognize and release the tension.”
Spring Has Sprung
Yesterday morning, I took advantage of the 70-degree sun and spent my morning outside. After the typical rush of getting the kids on the school bus, I went into the backyard and watered all my plants. This year, we have tomatoes, peppers, peas, beans, cucumbers, corn, pumpkins, and one watermelon. I also watered the raspberry bush, the apple tree, and my sunflower garden. When I finished watering all my photosynthetic babies, I opted to remain outside to enjoy the warm, morning sun on my skin. I grabbed my laptop and my mat and practiced some backyard yoga.
Starting the day in this manner set me up for success. I had a busy day ahead, but I was able to start it off with a relaxed, calm, and centered mindset. Being outside in the Spring is good for my body, my mind, and my soul. The birds were chirping. The flies and bees were buzzing. The sun was holding me in a warm embrace. And the chickens even curiously came by to check if I was properly aligned in pigeon pose.
Perennially Curious
As Bessel van der Kolk wrote in one of my favorite books, The Body Keeps the Score, “I often tell my students, the two most important phrases in therapy, as in yoga, are “Notice that” and “What happens next?” Once you start approaching your body with curiosity rather than with fear, everything shifts.”
Happy Spring. May you begin to approach your body, your struggles, and your pain with curiosity rather than fear. May you find peace in the simplicity of nature. May you stare at tonight’s full moon with awe and wonder. And may you recognize your place in the world is exactly where you are at this moment. Namaste.