Tomorrow’s Garden

JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group
March 30, 2023
Last weekend, as we’ve done the past four years, my children and I planted seeds for our summer garden. We planted beans, sunflowers, snap peas, peppers, watermelon, corn, and tomatoes. We’re well aware that not all the seeds we plant will grow to their fullest potential and offer us a bounty, but that’s not why we do it. We do it to connect more deeply to the earth and to explore the fascinating process of growth.
We planted 36 different kinds of seeds our starter tray, hopeful at least half of them will provide us with something to eat or stare at in awe from time to time. We’ve placed them in front of the sunny window in my bedroom. We’ll water them each day. And we’ll wait.
Plants and Children
As author Nicolette Sowder said, “Gardens and children need the same things — patience, love and someone who will never give up on them.”
It’s true. There will be many outside factors that can affect my garden or my children. And that’s okay. I can provide my garden with as much water, sun, and healthy soil as possible in hopes it can overcome the pests that may come its way. And when it comes to my children, I can provide them with unconditional love, understanding, and hope to help them with the inevitable maladies that may come their way.
I don’t plant seeds to have a full-grown garden tomorrow. It takes time, patience, and consistency. Of that I am aware. And my children will take even longer to grow than my seasonal garden, so I plan on increasing the amount of patience and consistency that go into those two.
I love thinking about the months to come when the warm summer sun beats down on me as I water my garden. I love thinking about eating the tomatoes, peppers, corn, snap peas, watermelon, and beans that we’ve watched grow from little seeds. And I love thinking about the future in general. It’s bright. It’s joyful. It’s peaceful.
As Audrey Hepburn said, “To plant in a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”