All Wet

All Wet

Banking on the veracity of the old wives’ tale that cats hate water, Salem thought he was pretty slick hiding in the shower. Turns out he was all wet.
Bin There, Done That

Bin There, Done That

After noticing Sammy was conspicuously absent from his usual haunts, we launched an all-out cat-hunt. We found him casually sitting in the recycling bin, wondering what all the fuss was about. And people wonder why we call him Sammy the Goof.
Topsy Turvy

Topsy Turvy

Tar had a nightmare in which the entire world had turned upside down. When he woke up like this, he REALLY freaked out. Poor little guy.


Uh … that thing keeps staring at me. Hello? Are you listening? It’s starting to creep me out, to tell you the truth. What is that anyway? A pillow? A mask? Does it ever blink? Can’t it just go away?
It’s Not Easy Being Green

It’s Not Easy Being Green

Salem would like you to know he’s not exactly green, but he swears he’s recyclable. Our theory, however, is that he stows away in the reusable shopping bag because he likes to go to the store and cruise the cat-food aisle.
Today’s Pop Quiz

Today’s Pop Quiz

Guess which one of these two thinks he’s the big guy: A. Tar (on the left) B. Crush (on the right) C. None of the above D. All of the above The winner will have to fight these two for a box of Milk Bones.