Hype Dreams

Hype Dreams

Dow Jones hasn’t updated its list of the top gobbledygook terms since 2008. But the world hasn’t changed all that much over the past few years. The business lexicon has changed even less. Buzzwords are like Pit Bulls with ankles: Once their jaws are clenched, it...
Design vs. Fashion

Design vs. Fashion

On a staff call one morning, Jonathan Spiliotopoulos, our Magnificent Maven of Multi-Media Machinations, said this: Helping people make important decisions is the very definition of design. Because I’m a writer, as opposed to one proficient in visual or graphic...
Cool Stuff

Cool Stuff

We recently conducted a survey of 1,500 companies from the Fortune 1000 to determine what those companies would like their new websites to feature if they could have new websites just by snapping their fingers. These are the top five responses: Cool stuff More stuff...

Number, Please

Jonathan Spiliotopoulos, one of my O’Brien Communications Group partners, a friend, and an estimable thinker, wrote this note to me one day after he’d read a blog post in which the author was beefing about web-based ad blockers: Companies complain about...
Up in Smoke (Signals)

Up in Smoke (Signals)

Some people go to great lengths to make sure they’re not taken seriously. That’s sad because it’s really quite simple. If you want to ensure whatever you have to say is dismissed immediately and out of hand, all you have to say this: “We...
Marketing Automation ≠ Sales Automation

Marketing Automation ≠ Sales Automation

The promise of marketing automation is seductive, indeed. It promises prioritized leads from multiple campaigns and more data than you can shake a stick at. The pitch typically goes something like this: By evaluating and reacting to each of your website’s...