by Mark O'Brien | Oct 17, 2014
Salem reported hearing consistent rumors to the effect that there’s more to life than a nap in the sun. He’s therefore determined to nap in the sun until such rumors are confirmed or refuted. If you need to get ahold of him in the meantime, please have...
by Mark O'Brien | Oct 10, 2014
Sammy’s big on eye contact. When he speaks to you, he likes to look you square in the peepers. And if he thinks your attention is wandering in any way, he’ll get in your face. If push comes to shove, he’ll flop on his side or roll over on his back or...
by Mark O'Brien | Sep 19, 2014
Salem is perennially curious about the origins of shopworn shibboleths. Just the other day he was asking us if we knew how and why people so many people so readily assume cats love to play with balls of thread, twine, or yarn. He actually seemed a tad offended at the...
by Mark O'Brien | Aug 29, 2014
We hate to mix our mammalian metaphors, but Salem is something of a ham. When he saw this photo of himself experiencing his first, rare, Texas snowfall, he tried to persuade us that — if we told his agent it was dandruff — he could get a starring gig in a new series...