by Mark O'Brien | Dec 2, 2014
I was a slow starter. I did my best thinking and writing in the morning. But my body needed time to adjust from supine and senseless to vertical and viable. Everything changed when I found this article. It targets three areas: body, mind, and spirit. Since the body...
by Mark O'Brien | Dec 1, 2014
You walk into a doctor’s office with a week-old hangnail. It’s still painful and showing signs of infection. The doctor asks no questions, hands you a bottle, tells you to put two drops in each ear twice daily, and call him in a week if you’re not feeling...
by Mark O'Brien | Nov 21, 2014
Okay. Lemme see if I got this straight: You made a special trip in here to see me. You expected me to be happy about that. I’m supposed to lavish all kinds of affection on you. And you brought no treats? Are you kidding?
by Mark O'Brien | Nov 18, 2014
Cults of personality are defined as arising from the use of mass media to create idealized images. But that definition is incomplete because it neglects our agency in the process of idealization; that is, without our consumption of mass media — and without our...
by Mark O'Brien | Nov 13, 2014
Dow Jones hasn’t updated its list of the top gobbledygook terms since 2008. But the world hasn’t changed all that much over the past few years. The business lexicon has changed even less. Buzzwords are like Pit Bulls with ankles: Once their jaws are clenched, it...