The Literate Pooch

The Literate Pooch

Matilda was playing Bookworm the other day and was incredulous to discover there’s a hyphenation in Milk-Bones. Bookworm doesn’t recognize hyphenated words. Do your pets have trouble spelling particular words? Please share their stories in the Comments box...
Salem’s Big Debut

Salem’s Big Debut

We hate to mix our mammalian metaphors, but Salem is something of a ham. When he saw this photo of himself experiencing his first, rare, Texas snowfall, he tried to persuade us that — if we told his agent it was dandruff — he could get a starring gig in a new series...

Are You Talkin’ to Me?

Contributing editor, John Brandon, recently published a piece in Inc. called, “8 Expressions Really Good Communicators Always Use”. If nothing else, it proves the old adage that one man’s compliment is another man’s insult. You can read the...

Tell the Truth

“All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.” (Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast) When I first began presenting my book, Martin the Marlin, to large groups of children, I’d find myself getting anxious. Oddly enough, I...