It’s Time

It’s Time

FALL & LIFE It’s Time JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group September 22, 2022   As I look out my office window, I can see it: The first orange leaves have shown themselves. The trees in my purview are still 99.5 percent green, but the...
The Almost Fall Sun

The Almost Fall Sun

NATURE & PERSPECTIVE The Almost Fall Sun JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group September 15, 2022 I’ve made it a point to get outside and enjoy the sun lately. I’m a remote employee, so I have the luxury of bringing my laptop outside to bask in some...
A Grumpy Dogcatcher

A Grumpy Dogcatcher

CHRISTMAS & DOGCATCHERS A Grumpy Dogcatcher JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group September 8, 2022 My kids are on a Buddies kick. And so, this weekend, we watched Budderball, Rosebud, B-Dawg, Mudbud, Buddha, and Puppy Paws in Santa Buddies. It was a...
That Sound

That Sound

VACATION & PEACE That Sound JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group September 1, 2022 I love Vermont. I love the combined scent of pine, maple, and cedar trees that seem to sweeten the oxygen. It makes purposeful breathing pleasant. It’s easy to relax...
Kiara – The Lost and Found Mascot

Kiara – The Lost and Found Mascot

LOST LUGGGE & FOUND HUMANITY Kiara – The Lost and Found Mascot JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group August 18, 2022 Have you ever talked to a stranger who simply made your life better – even for a short period of time? Sure, by the nature of engaging...
A Wave of Heat

A Wave of Heat

LIFE & HEAT A Wave of Heat JoAnna Bennett, O’Brien Communications Group August 11, 2022 I’m not sure where you live, but in my neck of the woods, it’s been hot. It’s been hotter than usual, earlier than usual, for longer than usual. I’m not one to regularly...