Trust Everybody, But Cut the Cards*

Trust Everybody, But Cut the Cards*

A gentleman named Venky Ramachandran (“I design context for the Future of Work”) wrote a LinkedIn post recently that made it easy enough to imagine he’ll soon be designing the context for his the Future of his own Work, since he had the courage (or...
My Trendy New Year

My Trendy New Year

I was in a chi-chi shop during the Holidays that had a display of handbags fashioned from something called vegan leather. My first thought was that vegan leather must come from cows fed only on corn-fed grass that had been humanely slaughtered by filing down the teeth...
Nigerian Prince: RIP

Nigerian Prince: RIP

I didn’t receive any formal notice of his demise, but it appears the Nigerian Prince who was, at one time, so notorious for his spam emails, as blatant as they were transparent, has bought the farm. I suspect this because I recently received the following email...