From the Mailbag: Volume One

From the Mailbag: Volume One

Since we’ve now published 150 posts — and since they generate a veritable avalanche of cards and letters from our legions of readers — we’re going to share some of them on occasion … because we want to. We tried to think of another reason, but we...
Us and Them

Us and Them

There’s a difference between melting and dissolution, as witnessed in the contrast between America’s former glory as the world’s Melting Pot — and today’s inglorious reality of cultural conflict, class friction, and political palaver about...
The Solutions Solution

The Solutions Solution

While surfing the web the other day, I came across a company, the website of which said this, in part: [We provide] world-class solutions for tools-based modernization solutions. No. I’m not making that up for the purpose of making a point. Like innovation,...
Facts vs. Fabrications

Facts vs. Fabrications

Anybody who notices unpleasant facts in the have-a-nice-day world we live in is going to be designated a curmudgeon. (Paul Fussell, 1924-2012) I live in fear of becoming a curmudgeon. I think it’s because I prefer facts to fabrications. In that regard, I...
Out of Bounds

Out of Bounds

This post, which I offered with tongue firmly in cheek, reminded me of an article I read almost two years ago, in which: Graphic designer and artist Johnny [Kid Tartan] Plaid … envisioned a drastic update for the iPhone 6. The iPhone 6 hadn’t yet become...