Assume the Position

Assume the Position

Matilda ardently believes it’s critically important to assume the proper position for every task. Here, she deftly demonstrates her technique for straddling the back of a chair. While she’s typically reluctant to reveal her trade secrets, she does find...
A Crush on You

A Crush on You

We decided to supersize the newest addition to the OCG pet family. The young fella sprawled across JoAnna’s lap is Crush, a 12-week-old Great Dane. Pledges to the OCG Pet Food Fund can be made by calling 1-800-GET-CHOW. Yikes!
Chill Is as Chill Does

Chill Is as Chill Does

Of all our pets, Tar seems to take Pet Day Friday most seriously. Actually, he seems to take every Friday most seriously. He usually starts practicing on Wednesday night. He has a couple of pops, a couple of Snausages, and he goes to bed early. All day Thursday...
The Literate Pooch

The Literate Pooch

Matilda was playing Bookworm the other day and was incredulous to discover there’s a hyphenation in Milk-Bones. Bookworm doesn’t recognize hyphenated words. Do your pets have trouble spelling particular words? Please share their stories in the Comments box...