by Mark O'Brien | Jun 10, 2015
I thank two people for inspiring this post — Nate Fakes, proprietor of Nate Fakes Cartoons; creator of the nationally syndicated comic strip, Break of Day (whence the image above derives); the illustrator of Thought Leadership, our popular, monthly comic strip; and...
by Mark O'Brien | Jun 9, 2015
If Marshall McLuhan was correct in his assertion that the medium is the message (I believe he was), then this article from Britain’s Marketing, is much ado about nothing: According to some industry people, there is a resemblance between Coke’s ad, created...
by Mark O'Brien | Jun 5, 2015
I saw a post the other day the very title of which froze me in my proverbial tracks. The title was this — “It’s Simple: Giving Back Must Be a Part of Doing Business” — and it’s rubbish. Start here: The more profitable we are as a company, the...
by Mark O'Brien | Jun 4, 2015
I saw an update on LinkedIn the other day from a woman who described herself as a serial entrepreneur. I don’t know the woman. I have no earthly reason to doubt her. But her self-description caused me pangs of skepticism nevertheless. A professor of English with...
by Mark O'Brien | Jun 1, 2015
The publishing of our first installment of the Mailbag generated even more cards and letters, many of which seemed preoccupied with personal brands. So, with our work cut out for us, we dive once more unto the breach. Dear Mailbag, I have a recurring dream. In it, I...