Incognito Cat

Incognito Cat

Sammy’s decided to create an act in which he imitates small power tools. In this photo, he’s doing his best jigsaw imitation. We thought it was pretty good. But the judges said it lacked authenticity. So, he took a nap.
Today’s Pop Quiz

Today’s Pop Quiz

Guess which one of these two thinks he’s the big guy: A. Tar (on the left) B. Crush (on the right) C. None of the above D. All of the above The winner will have to fight these two for a box of Milk Bones.
I’m Not Here

I’m Not Here

Salem, being the quintessential black cat and all, was convinced that if he hid in this black shelf, snuggled in among Arthur and Andrew’s books, we’d never be able to find him. He gets positively indignant every time we walk by and say hello.


Here’s the deal. Pick up that rubber band and shoot it across the room. I’ll scamper after it like a lunatic, pick it up, and bring it back for you to shoot again. I will. Why are you looking at me like that? You don’t think I’m a dog? Okay....
It’s Not What You Think

It’s Not What You Think

Don’t be hasty. We know what it looks like. We do. Really. It looks like we’re on the couch, huh? If we were you, we’d think so, too. We would. But we know you’ve told us a million times to stay off the couch. So, why would you think we’d...