Assume the Position

Assume the Position

Matilda ardently believes it’s critically important to assume the proper position for every task. Here, she deftly demonstrates her technique for straddling the back of a chair. While she’s typically reluctant to reveal her trade secrets, she does find...
Quote Me on That

Quote Me on That

Prevailing wisdom contends that the most important aspect of direct-email marketing is the subject line. I hadn’t given the notion all that much thought until I started receiving a blizzard of such emails, all with this attention-grabbing subject line: Burial...
A Crush on You

A Crush on You

We decided to supersize the newest addition to the OCG pet family. The young fella sprawled across JoAnna’s lap is Crush, a 12-week-old Great Dane. Pledges to the OCG Pet Food Fund can be made by calling 1-800-GET-CHOW. Yikes!
A Stereotypically Clichéd Preconception

A Stereotypically Clichéd Preconception

Salem is perennially curious about the origins of shopworn shibboleths. Just the other day he was asking us if we knew how and why people so many people so readily assume cats love to play with balls of thread, twine, or yarn. He actually seemed a tad offended at the...
Cover Your Tailgate

Cover Your Tailgate

On September 3, the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) released a new report showing tailgate thefts increased 31 percent — 831 in 2012 to 1,090 in 2013 — based on claims data submitted by insurance companies between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2013. The...