You’re Not Writing For Yourself

You’re Not Writing For Yourself

There’s an old expression in the graphic arts that says this: If you’re not creating an effective presentation of a message, it’s not design. It’s art. So it is with content: If you’re not creating an effectively persuasive message for an...
To Each Generation Its Own

To Each Generation Its Own

irony (noun): incongruity between what is expected to be and what actually is, or a situation or result showing such incongruity When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I...
Technology Emerges When It Can

Technology Emerges When It Can

Even though many of our clients provide software and services to the insurance industry, it’s hard to know, sometimes, where the insurance industry stands on technology. It seems as if we go from one extreme to the other: There are posts about research reports touting...
The Doors of Deception

The Doors of Deception

This past weekend, I attended the ninth annual Natural Living Expo in nearby Marlborough, Massachusetts. I have no idea why. Being at the Expo recalled the first time I walked into a hardcore comic-book shop. I was in search of the first two editions of the legendary...
What’s Love Got To Do With It?

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

If you read my ramblings with any regularity, you know I don’t believe in accidents: Everything that’s supposed to happen does happen. Everything that’s supposed to happen happens in its own time. And everything that happens happens for a reason....