I Hate it When I’m Right
As many people know (especially my wife), I hate it when I’m right. Case in point:In 2015, I wrote a post called, “Highways of Algorithmic Morality”. It was about an ostensible study conducted by three sociopathic nitwits from the Toulouse School of Economics in...
Saving Humanity
I love thinking about the notion of saving humanity – as if we’re anywhere close to extinction, even though we seem to destroy everything around us and are, collectively, incredibly invasive.

What’s In a Name?
We came across a post the other day — The 25 Most Absurd Job Titles In Tech — that dismayed and disappointed us. (We’ll leave it up to you, dear readers, to inflict that post upon yourselves.) As cynical as we are, we still hold out ever-diminishing quotients of hope...
Fictitious Fables
The definition of a fable is, “a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral.” And fables are figments of the human imagination.