by Mark O'Brien | May 1, 2015
Since we’ve now published 150 posts — and since they generate a veritable avalanche of cards and letters from our legions of readers — we’re going to share some of them on occasion … because we want to. We tried to think of another reason, but we...
by Mark O'Brien | Apr 21, 2015
While surfing the web the other day, I came across a company, the website of which said this, in part: [We provide] world-class solutions for tools-based modernization solutions. No. I’m not making that up for the purpose of making a point. Like innovation,...
by Mark O'Brien | Apr 20, 2015
Anybody who notices unpleasant facts in the have-a-nice-day world we live in is going to be designated a curmudgeon. (Paul Fussell, 1924-2012) I live in fear of becoming a curmudgeon. I think it’s because I prefer facts to fabrications. In that regard, I...
by Mark O'Brien | Apr 14, 2015
This post, which I offered with tongue firmly in cheek, reminded me of an article I read almost two years ago, in which: Graphic designer and artist Johnny [Kid Tartan] Plaid … envisioned a drastic update for the iPhone 6. The iPhone 6 hadn’t yet become...
by Mark O'Brien | Apr 3, 2015
Since it was clear I was more surprised than Biff was, I spoke up first; although, it was more a reflexive exclamation than a considered inquiry: “Is something wrong …?” “No,” Biff replied calmly. “What makes you ask?”...
by Mark O'Brien | Apr 2, 2015
Regular readers might remember the first case I reported in these pages. Hardcore masochists might even recall the second one. If not, don’t let it get to you. I beat the pavement as a private brand detective. The lion’s share of my cases have to do with...