Water For the Drowning

Water For the Drowning

Read this. Then read it again: This has spawned a plague of traffic brokers who specialize in traffic laundering at an almost unbelievable scale … “real” traffic is undervalued or, some would say, indistinguishable from fraudulent traffic … everyone is...
Programmatic Confusion

Programmatic Confusion

This may seem premature. But I’m wondering if you’re confused yet. Good. So am I. Since I’m in the marketing and advertising businesses, at least to a certain extent, I’m always curious (Wow! What’s that?), intrigued (Hey! That’s...
Elite At the End of the Tunnel

Elite At the End of the Tunnel

In addition to being a Leap Year, 2016 apparently will be Elite Year, at least according to John C. Havens, author of “The Elitism of ‘Out of Office’ in the Age of Automation”. That’s right. The precious few who find employment, along...