Go Ahead, Back Up

Go Ahead, Back Up

Since I don’t believe in accidents, I wasn’t surprised when a recent spate of vendor acquisitions in the insurance industry coincided with my finding a related, 10-year-old article while rummaging through the bowels of The Chautauqua Center for Synchronous...
Technology in Retreat?

Technology in Retreat?

Wow. This stuff is starting to come fast and furious now. Soon after I cited Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) in this post about the pitfalls (if not shortfalls) of data-driven content marketing (aka inbound marketing and marketing automation, two contradictions in...
Forever Young

Forever Young

I don’t know whence our inclination to treat symptoms, rather than diseases, derives. I suspect it’s a combination of fear, laziness, political correctness, and a kind of willful ignorance born of the relative luxury in which we’ve become accustomed...
Subjective Objectivity

Subjective Objectivity

One of my older sister’s favorite expressions is this: “No guts, no air medals.” While it does seem harder and harder to find people with guts these days — people with the courage to stand up, stand out, and tell difficult truths — there are still...
Deep(ak) Thoughts

Deep(ak) Thoughts

Dear Deep, I read your recent LinkedIn post, “How to Get a Clear Mind”, with keen interest. Given the morbid fear of marionettes I developed after an unfortunate childhood incident with Howdy Doody (thank God Buffalo Bob was there), this passage,...
Water Isn’t the Only Thing That Flows Downhill

Water Isn’t the Only Thing That Flows Downhill

In the course of our research for a book we once created as a specialty publishing project — Origin/Destination: 75 Years of the New England Water Environment Association — we learned that it took the residents of Uxbridge, Massachusetts, 50 years to figure out the...