by Mark O'Brien | Aug 4, 2015
Since I don’t believe in accidents, I wasn’t surprised when a recent spate of vendor acquisitions in the insurance industry coincided with my finding a related, 10-year-old article while rummaging through the bowels of The Chautauqua Center for Synchronous...
by Mark O'Brien | Aug 3, 2015
Wow. This stuff is starting to come fast and furious now. Soon after I cited Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) in this post about the pitfalls (if not shortfalls) of data-driven content marketing (aka inbound marketing and marketing automation, two contradictions in...
by Mark O'Brien | Jul 31, 2015
I don’t know whence our inclination to treat symptoms, rather than diseases, derives. I suspect it’s a combination of fear, laziness, political correctness, and a kind of willful ignorance born of the relative luxury in which we’ve become accustomed...
by Mark O'Brien | Jul 30, 2015
One of my older sister’s favorite expressions is this: “No guts, no air medals.” While it does seem harder and harder to find people with guts these days — people with the courage to stand up, stand out, and tell difficult truths — there are still...
by Mark O'Brien | Jul 29, 2015
Dear Deep, I read your recent LinkedIn post, “How to Get a Clear Mind”, with keen interest. Given the morbid fear of marionettes I developed after an unfortunate childhood incident with Howdy Doody (thank God Buffalo Bob was there), this passage,...
by Mark O'Brien | Jul 28, 2015
In the course of our research for a book we once created as a specialty publishing project — Origin/Destination: 75 Years of the New England Water Environment Association — we learned that it took the residents of Uxbridge, Massachusetts, 50 years to figure out the...