Technology Emerges When It Can

Technology Emerges When It Can

Even though many of our clients provide software and services to the insurance industry, it’s hard to know, sometimes, where the insurance industry stands on technology. It seems as if we go from one extreme to the other: There are posts about research reports touting...
What’s Love Got To Do With It?

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

If you read my ramblings with any regularity, you know I don’t believe in accidents: Everything that’s supposed to happen does happen. Everything that’s supposed to happen happens in its own time. And everything that happens happens for a reason....
Aye, There’s the Rub

Aye, There’s the Rub

I have to admit I’m not one to keep up with all of the statutes that govern my particular state, which happens to be Connecticut. Given the possibility that one can find himself in violation of said statutes — however unwittingly, innocuously, or innocently — it...
The Gentle Realist

The Gentle Realist

I don’t know Steven J. Thompson. But I admire the man. All I know of him, so far, is that he published this post: “Leadership without Arson”. But because of that post, I know and admire these things about Mr. Thompson: He’s a realist. He...
The Persona of My Business Technology Agenda

The Persona of My Business Technology Agenda

I love dots. And I obsess about connecting them. That’s why I wonder when people obsess about other things, like this — “Leading CMOs Will Excel at Customer Obsession in 2016” — without connecting them to other things, like this: “5 Questions...
My First Selfie

My First Selfie

One of the more superficial revelations of my recent trip to New York was that I’d never taken a selfie. This realization was driven home by the fact that I saw people who’d come from all over the world seemingly for the sole purpose of taking pictures of...