A Happier Medium

A Happier Medium

My recent post, An Unhappy Medium, spawned an exchange of thoughts with a colleague, Brent Robertson. Since that exchange expanded some of the notions presented in the post, I share excerpts from it here for your reading pleasure: Brent: I just had this conversation...
An Unhappy Medium

An Unhappy Medium

This is going to disappoint a lot of people. I’m sorry. It can’t be helped. Sometimes I feel like a professional bearer of bad news. And this news is less popular than most: Marketing people aren’t clairvoyant. There. I’ve said (typed) it. Now...
Are You Kidding?

Are You Kidding?

This Fast Company article — “The Best Time of Day to Do Everything at Work” — is a wonderfully theoretical thing. But as Albert Einstein famously said: In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they’re different. In theory, then, the...
Do Your Homework

Do Your Homework

In my line of work, you have to say a lot of things that most folks find distasteful. This one elicits sneers, jeers, fears, and tears every time: Marketing is not a sales-support function. Sales is a marketing-fulfillment function. Salesperson: What do you mean...
For Adults Only

For Adults Only

With the publication of my new book for adults all but imminent — For Adults Only: How to Act Like an Adult Around Adults (it’s for adults) — I’ve decided to offer a few excerpts here to gin up interest and, ideally, multi-million-dollar sales. WARNING:...
My Favorite Aphorisms

My Favorite Aphorisms

Among many other rewarding things, my working life has enabled me to acquire quite the compendium of handy axioms, many of which have become words to live (and work) by. As a public service, I share three of my favorites here: #1. Never believe anything until...