Quote Me on That

Quote Me on That

Prevailing wisdom contends that the most important aspect of direct-email marketing is the subject line. I hadn’t given the notion all that much thought until I started receiving a blizzard of such emails, all with this attention-grabbing subject line: Burial...
Strategy vs. Tactics

Strategy vs. Tactics

A statement finding its way more frequently and annoyingly into the vernacular of business and politics is this: Hope is not a strategy. Yeah. The statement is true. But enough already. Its corollary statement is this: A tactic is not a strategy. Yeah. That’s...
Up in Smoke (Signals)

Up in Smoke (Signals)

Some people go to great lengths to make sure they’re not taken seriously. That’s sad because it’s really quite simple. If you want to ensure whatever you have to say is dismissed immediately and out of hand, all you have to say this: “We...
New Life for Old Media

New Life for Old Media

Hang on. It turns out rumors of print’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. In fact, this post, in the media research blog of the  International News Media Association (INMA), says the following, in part: While any advertising campaign should feature a healthy...
Cover Your Tailgate

Cover Your Tailgate

On September 3, the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) released a new report showing tailgate thefts increased 31 percent — 831 in 2012 to 1,090 in 2013 — based on claims data submitted by insurance companies between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2013. The...
Opportunism is Not a Dirty Word

Opportunism is Not a Dirty Word

People sometimes seem to be all but sneering when they use derivations of opportunism. They’re likely to say things, down their noses, of course, like: “That’s just shameless opportunism.” Or, with a dismissive shake of their heads as they turn...