A Red Heron

A Red Heron

I know of only one person like Norm Crosby. That would be Norm Crosby, who’s also the only person I know who could make a career out of malaprops. The rest of us typically have to make careers out of avoiding them. In fact, Christina Desmarais recently wrote an...
Smile When You Say That

Smile When You Say That

Since missing boats seems to be the story of my life, I shouldn’t be surprised that yet another one apparently sailed without me. To be more specific, I’m having trouble understanding what the big deal is about Harvard Business Review. (“Oh, my Gawd,...
Get Your PII Under GRC PDQ

Get Your PII Under GRC PDQ

Don’t look now, kids, but we have two more abbreviations to worry about: PII (personally identifiable information) and GRC (governance, risk management, and compliance). I don’t mean to suggest we should be worried about what they denote. Rather, I mean...
Out of Bounds

Out of Bounds

This post, which I offered with tongue firmly in cheek, reminded me of an article I read almost two years ago, in which: Graphic designer and artist Johnny [Kid Tartan] Plaid … envisioned a drastic update for the iPhone 6. The iPhone 6 hadn’t yet become...
The Gatsby Syndrome

The Gatsby Syndrome

I’ve identified a new psychological phenomenon. I’ve called it The Gatsby Syndrome. Because we just can’t get enough abbreviations, I refer to it as TGS. I’ve created a foundation through which to study it. I’m going to try to get it...
Flying Pigs

Flying Pigs

The only thing more amazing than the things for which we fall is the length of time for which we continue to fall for them. Given the popularity of inbound marketing and marketing automation, I’d have imaged them to be relatively new phenomena. I’d have...