by Mark O'Brien | Jan 5, 2015
My father passed away a year ago today. To say the occasion was life-changing is to do it — and my father — a disservice. It was more like a revelation — a precious, bittersweet reminder of who I am and why: I am my father’s son. All I am I owe to him. His...
by Mark O'Brien | Jan 2, 2015
Every year, in the eight weeks between Christmas and Valentine’s Day, a number of things can be counted on to take place. Each is a measure of our inexplicable humanity: First, the holiday season will vanish, leaving us to realize our spirits are none the kinder,...
by Mark O'Brien | Jan 1, 2015
I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions. They’re as effective as a Band-Aid to the ski-jump guy: They won’t fix anything, nor will they have meaningful or lasting effects. Nevertheless, my New Year’s resolution is to propose some...
by Mark O'Brien | Dec 26, 2014
In 2004, the priest who presided over the high-school graduation of my son, Quinn, said this, acknowledging the myriad difficulties of the age in which the accidents of our births find us in existence: “We are blessed with challenges.” My first reaction...
by Mark O'Brien | Dec 25, 2014
JoAnna, Jonathan, and I wish you a happy, healthy Holiday Season and a bright, prosperous New Year.
by Mark O'Brien | Dec 24, 2014
In the song, “Turn, Turn, Turn”, made famous by the Byrds, though adapted from Ecclesiastes 3:1 by George Aber and Pete Seeger, we learn this: “To everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under Heaven.” So it is, then,...