Utopia Lost

Utopia Lost

When will they ever learn/When will they ever learn? As a naïve adolescent in the ’60s, I bought into all the equally naïve, adolescent claptrap about peace, love, harmony, and understanding. As I got older and more observant, I realized all the naïveté, all the...
Oh, Look! An Ambulance!

Oh, Look! An Ambulance!

This was quite the morning. First, I read this, from my horoscope: How exactly do you hold onto your ideals in a world where it seems like the whole game is rigged for greed, competition, and conformity? Then I read this — “John Edwards (yes, that one) looks to...
Is Charlie Brown Creative?

Is Charlie Brown Creative?

I couldn’t help thinking about Charles M. Schultz’s most popular character (with the possible exception of Snoopy) when I read “The Dark Side of Creativity”. The article would have us believe creative people are negative, moody, depressive,...
Layaway Tuesday

Layaway Tuesday

As every consummate consumer knows, the Friday after Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday. The term is a marketing and public-relations abbreviation of the full name — Black-Eye Friday — which comes from all the shiners given and received in the shameless,...
What’s Love Got To Do With It?

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

If you read my ramblings with any regularity, you know I don’t believe in accidents: Everything that’s supposed to happen does happen. Everything that’s supposed to happen happens in its own time. And everything that happens happens for a reason....
The Quest for Success: Value

The Quest for Success: Value

Voice yields value. It expresses the attributes of the brand. It affiliates speaker and listener. It connects brands with markets, prospects, people. It creates space between itself and its competitors. Why? This answer is not so simple. Value is as subjective as it...