Marketing Should Be Simple: Part Deux

Marketing Should Be Simple: Part Deux

Perfect order is the forerunner of perfect horror. (Carlos Fuentes) If I weren’t the epitome of the Eternal Optimist — and if I didn’t believe utterly in the cyclical nature of all things (yes, sanity WILL return) — I’d be despondent right about now....
The Market Doesn’t Emote

The Market Doesn’t Emote

We need to get a grip of our knickers, kids. We’ve become accustomed to being taken care of. We’re conditioned to thinking of government as a benign parent, guiding us along our painless paths with a gentle, altruistic hand. And we’re inured to...
Writers, Rejoice!

Writers, Rejoice!

Well, well. well. Look what I found. An exoneration. An affirmation. A contradiction of the ever-absurd notion that the only things people will read are bullet points, tweets, or series of acronyms: “Your Customers Like Long-Form Content Much More Than You Think...
Deep(ak) Thoughts

Deep(ak) Thoughts

Dear Deep, I read your recent LinkedIn post, “How to Get a Clear Mind”, with keen interest. Given the morbid fear of marionettes I developed after an unfortunate childhood incident with Howdy Doody (thank God Buffalo Bob was there), this passage,...


Wow! Sometimes I just can’t believe how coincident (but not coincidental) life can be and, in my case (forgive me for personalizing), how charmed my life can be. Just as I was thinking I was on the verge of a mid-life crisis or some kind of long-term malaise,...

The Lady Doth Protest Too Much

I don’t know that LeAnne Brinkies is familiar with Hamlet, let alone Queen Gertrude. As the Bard might say, ’tis a pity. Had she been so familiar, she might have gone about “Native advertising – the editorial vs advertorial debate” in a...