by Mark O'Brien | Jun 15, 2015
When my sons were younger, I’d take them to a pediatric ophthalmologist, Dr. Mitchell, for their periodic eye exams. During one such visit, somewhere around the time of my 40th birthday, Dr. Mitchell handed me an article about the perils of radial keratotomy....
by Mark O'Brien | Jun 12, 2015
That whooshing sound you just heard was the biggest sigh of relief I’ve ever let out, spontaneously emitted after reading this: “State of Global Development: Why 2015 is a Pivotal Year for Ending Poverty”: The outcomes of this year will help...
by Mark O'Brien | Jun 9, 2015
If Marshall McLuhan was correct in his assertion that the medium is the message (I believe he was), then this article from Britain’s Marketing, is much ado about nothing: According to some industry people, there is a resemblance between Coke’s ad, created...
by Mark O'Brien | Jun 5, 2015
I saw a post the other day the very title of which froze me in my proverbial tracks. The title was this — “It’s Simple: Giving Back Must Be a Part of Doing Business” — and it’s rubbish. Start here: The more profitable we are as a company, the...
by Mark O'Brien | Jun 3, 2015
Take heart, people (or persons). We may be on the way out, but we’re not quite dead yet. How do I know? A little birdie told me. But it didn’t need to. The idea of eschewing personal relationships in favor of compiling more data, the mechanized...