The Quest for Success: Presence

The Quest for Success: Presence

Allowing people to attribute value to a brand creates mindshare. It creates memorability and legitimacy. It engenders trust, comfort, faith. It facilitates the transition from identity to success. Why? The simple answer is: presence. Presence connotes the occupation...
The Gentle Realist

The Gentle Realist

I don’t know Steven J. Thompson. But I admire the man. All I know of him, so far, is that he published this post: “Leadership without Arson”. But because of that post, I know and admire these things about Mr. Thompson: He’s a realist. He...
Fun With Words

Fun With Words

My colleague and LinkedIn connection, Derrick Martins, posted what he had to have known would be irresistible bait for a word-shark like me. More specifically, he angled for trouble when he published this piece — “Analytics and Big Data: The Skeptics vs. the...
The Persona of My Business Technology Agenda

The Persona of My Business Technology Agenda

I love dots. And I obsess about connecting them. That’s why I wonder when people obsess about other things, like this — “Leading CMOs Will Excel at Customer Obsession in 2016” — without connecting them to other things, like this: “5 Questions...
My First Selfie

My First Selfie

One of the more superficial revelations of my recent trip to New York was that I’d never taken a selfie. This realization was driven home by the fact that I saw people who’d come from all over the world seemingly for the sole purpose of taking pictures of...