Give Yourself the Right Challenge

Give Yourself the Right Challenge

As I’ve suggested with some regularity, the only way we’re going to achieve innovation is to stop talking about and aspiring to it. Because it will never be consistently defined, it will never be implemented in any coherent, constructive fashion. The same...


The story you are about to read is true. Names, links, and actual terminology have been withheld to protect the innocent and the unwitting from skulduggery and knavery — and to shield the duplicitous and the unscrupulous from the slings and arrows of righteous...
My Digital Valentine

My Digital Valentine

With Valentine’s Day bearing down on us, the online-dating sites are ramping up their attacks, particularly on television.

No More Bitter Pills

No More Bitter Pills

I’ve never been one to butter people up. I don’t know why. I seem to somehow lack the knack for telling the truth without ticking someone off.