I Can See Clearly Now: Part Two

I Can See Clearly Now: Part Two

As regular readers of my ravings are well aware, I’ve had some trouble keeping up with some of the latest developments in eye care, eye ware, and vision-correcting technologies and techniques. Well, I suspect, with no small degree of discomfort, that I may have...
Sense and Meaning

Sense and Meaning

I saw two things the other day that got me thinking about the ways in which we’re stripping sense and meaning from our communications. The first was this post: “You Think You Speak Digital?” It pointed out, unwittingly of course, that we’re...
Do the Herky Jerky

Do the Herky Jerky

When it comes to topics for blogs posts, I tend to have a fair degree of fortitude (or at least I imagine I do). But I have to admit this one made me a little squeamish: “Jerky Juggernaut and the Power of Protein”. This part was unsettling enough: Sales...