by Mark O'Brien | Dec 14, 2015
As regular readers of my ravings are well aware, I’ve had some trouble keeping up with some of the latest developments in eye care, eye ware, and vision-correcting technologies and techniques. Well, I suspect, with no small degree of discomfort, that I may have...
by Mark O'Brien | Oct 22, 2015
I saw two things the other day that got me thinking about the ways in which we’re stripping sense and meaning from our communications. The first was this post: “You Think You Speak Digital?” It pointed out, unwittingly of course, that we’re...
by Mark O'Brien | Oct 19, 2015
When it comes to topics for blogs posts, I tend to have a fair degree of fortitude (or at least I imagine I do). But I have to admit this one made me a little squeamish: “Jerky Juggernaut and the Power of Protein”. This part was unsettling enough: Sales...