by Mark O'Brien | Oct 10, 2016
Following last week’s press release, Yours Truly (YT) interviewed the two principals quoted in the release — Herman Belch (HB) of World Technology Firm (WTF) and Albert Murfwhiffle (AM) of Nano File Works (NFW). Herein, a transcript of that interview. YT:...
by Mark O'Brien | Aug 7, 2016
A phrase caught my eye the other day. It was one of those phrases that was sad, disheartening, and demoralizing all at the same time. It was sad because whomever wrote it no doubt believed he thought it meant something and also believed he knew what that something...
by Mark O'Brien | Sep 29, 2015
I love bad movies. In fact, one of my greatest pleasures is staying up till the wee hours of the weekend watching ill-contrived films and wondering; Why were they made? Who financed them? For what return? Did the writer(s) think it was any good? What were the actors...