by Mark O'Brien | May 15, 2015
One of our former clients was a software-development shop. It created core-processing systems for insurance companies. Its stock answer to the question, “Can you do that?” was: “Yes,” followed quickly by the first of a series of invoices for...
by Mark O'Brien | May 13, 2015
A long time ago in a land far away, a man — we’ll call him Nimrod — founded a company. He knew everything about founding a company. But he knew nothing about promoting one. He knew nothing about assimilating people and letting them embody a brand in their own...
by Mark O'Brien | May 12, 2015
I was reading an article the other day about more effective blogging. One of its suggestions was to publish lists. As you know, I’m not a fan of lists. But I’m nothing if not open-minded. So, I resolved to give it a shot. Here are the five things you must...
by Mark O'Brien | May 11, 2015
Because I’m an almost universally recognized, globally renowned, and highly sought expert in my field; because I’m a household name on most continents; and because I’m unfailingly modest, I’m perennially asked: “Dude. What do you consider...
by Mark O'Brien | May 7, 2015
I received an email from an earnest gentleman, eager to help his company write more business and make its brand more prominent. He presented a list of tactics he believed would be effective means to his ends. Here’s the email (with minor modifications to protect...