Trust Everybody, But Cut the Cards*

Trust Everybody, But Cut the Cards*

A gentleman named Venky Ramachandran (“I design context for the Future of Work”) wrote a LinkedIn post recently that made it easy enough to imagine he’ll soon be designing the context for his the Future of his own Work, since he had the courage (or...
It’s About the Fight

It’s About the Fight

Seth Godin published a recent post that said this, in part: There are plenty of people who will pander, race to the bottom, and figure out how to, “give the public what it wants.” But that doesn’t have to be you. Professionals have standards....
Authenticity is the New Integrity

Authenticity is the New Integrity

If you read this article from Fast Company — “What Does Authenticity Really Mean?”  — you’ll get a smorgasbord of options: According to one person cited in the article, “If you want to be a leader, you have to be yourself—skillfully.” So,...
Big Data: Cynicism vs. Reality

Big Data: Cynicism vs. Reality

At the rate at which Goliaths seem to be taking hits, I’m starting to wonder if David may have invested in a machine-gun version of his trusty slingshot. First it was inbound marketing. Then it was performance appraisals. Now it’s Big Data. The most recent...
No Illusions

No Illusions

When our clients tell us about their products or services, we invariably ask two questions: (1) Is there a market for it? (2) If we hand you a check right now, can we buy it? The latter is to prevent putting carts before horses. The former is to prevent the...