Holiday Madness

Holiday Madness

Since the traditional holiday season is upon us, it might be helpful present some of the other holidays celebrated at this time of year. In addition to the ones listed here, a few more warrant elucidation: Free Gluten Day, December 17: Not to be confused with...
The Business Lessons of Literature

The Business Lessons of Literature

For man, unlike any other thing organic or inorganic in the universe, grows beyond his work, walks up the stairs of his concepts, emerges ahead of his accomplishments. (John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath) Like so many other inexplicable occurrences in my life, I...


Here’s the deal. Pick up that rubber band and shoot it across the room. I’ll scamper after it like a lunatic, pick it up, and bring it back for you to shoot again. I will. Why are you looking at me like that? You don’t think I’m a dog? Okay....
Exchanging Ideas on Brand

Exchanging Ideas on Brand

I recently engaged in a discussion about branding on LinkedIn with a gentleman, Joseph Benson, who proved to be as patient as he is knowledgeable. I offer our exchange here, edited only for brevity and clarity, with Joseph’s permission. Joseph is indicated by...
Don’t Plan It. Create It.

Don’t Plan It. Create It.

I have a troubled relationship with planning. I see it as teetering on a scale between dubious advisability and abject futility. Nevertheless, I do recognize the need for it, even if the plan is nothing more than a map on which to plot course corrections. Nothing...