All Things to All People

All Things to All People

One of our former clients was a software-development shop. It created core-processing systems for insurance companies. Its stock answer to the question, “Can you do that?” was: “Yes,” followed quickly by the first of a series of invoices for...
Five Things You Must Do To Survive

Five Things You Must Do To Survive

I was reading an article the other day about more effective blogging. One of its suggestions was to publish lists. As you know, I’m not a fan of lists. But I’m nothing if not open-minded. So, I resolved to give it a shot. Here are the five things you must...
If You Ask For Help, Take It

If You Ask For Help, Take It

I received an email from an earnest gentleman, eager to help his company write more business and make its brand more prominent. He presented a list of tactics he believed would be effective means to his ends. Here’s the email (with minor modifications to protect...
The Talking Dog

The Talking Dog

I’d expressed my disdain for experts in these pages before. Well, okay. More than once. All right already. More than twice. Nevertheless, a colleague shared this LinkedIn post with me and made the cardinal mistake of asking my opinion. Is it me, or have we...
Gray Social

Gray Social

A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true. (Demosthenes) We’ve written about the seemingly declining substance of the content in Harvard Business Review (HBR) before. We’ve also written about the...