Finding Dick Clark?

Finding Dick Clark?

Dick Clark has been gone almost four years. But his past — the origins and ethnic derivations of the celebrity entrepreneur and perennial New Year’s Eve fixture — remained stubbornly murky … until now. According to Clark’s Wikipedia profile, he was...
What’s Not to Like?

What’s Not to Like?

That creaking sound you hear is Western Civilization, or at least the English-speaking parts of it, teetering on the edge of the abyss. That’s right. We’ve finally devolved to the point at which Inc., a Forbes publication, has to publish an article about a...
My First Selfie

My First Selfie

One of the more superficial revelations of my recent trip to New York was that I’d never taken a selfie. This realization was driven home by the fact that I saw people who’d come from all over the world seemingly for the sole purpose of taking pictures of...