Deep Thoughts

Deep Thoughts

Matilda: Do you think Bigfoot is real? Sammy: Some guy in Texas says he has pictures of him. Matilda: Those turned out to be Photoshopped. Sammy: How do you know? Matilda: I studied photo re-touching in Obedience School. Sammy:  I thought that was just for sitting and...
No Treats?

No Treats?

The Bennett Boys, Crush (front) and Tar (back), are looking skeptically suspicious, even though they’re rockin’ their cool black hoodies. It seems they heard a rumor that there are no more treats. While the rumor is, so far, unsubstantiated, it’s...
Happy Meal

Happy Meal

I recently stopped in a coffee shop for lunch. As I was paying for my repast, the earnest young man behind the counter told me all the food was prepared on the premises and said proudly, “It’s all food you can feel good about eating.” Uh oh. Had I...
I Wonder

I Wonder

Years ago, returning from a Sunday afternoon outing with some friends in their station wagon, I said I couldn’t believe the weekend was ending — the next day would be Monday already. The three-year-old daughter of my friends called to her father from the...
How Badly Do You Want It?

How Badly Do You Want It?

“I’d walk a mile over hot coals to [fill in the blank].” “I’d crawl a mile over broken glass to [fill in the blank].” How many times have you heard statements like that? Certainly there’s a proliferation of love-related songs...