Breaking Even?

Breaking Even?

We sent Abby to the groomer’s this week. The bad news is she came back with a broken leg. The good news is they didn’t charge us extra for it.* If you have any scary pet stories for this Halloween, please share them with us in the Comment box below. *No....
Tell the Truth: Part Two

Tell the Truth: Part Two

In an earlier post, I wrote about the important necessity — and the effective simplicity — of telling the truth. It was a lesson I learned, of course, from children. Since then, I found this: In an article called, “High-School Students Respect First Amendment...
Super Size It

Super Size It

This handsome fella is young Crush, the newest member of the OCG Pet Family. In case you hadn’t noticed, he’s a Great Dane. He’s a big, gentle boy; and everything about him is modest … except his appetite. To make your pledge to the Crush Food...
A Thought

A Thought

Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. (Henry Ford) A friend froze me in my tracks the other day. In the midst of a conversation we were having, he said: “I have a thought.” I couldn’t believe it....
In the Minority

In the Minority

I saw a LinkedIn update the other day notifying me that the enterprise of one of my professional connections had just qualified as a woman-owned minority business (WOMB). Needless to say, the acronym struck me as apt, since it’s hard to imagine anything more...