by Mark O'Brien | Oct 31, 2014
We sent Abby to the groomer’s this week. The bad news is she came back with a broken leg. The good news is they didn’t charge us extra for it.* If you have any scary pet stories for this Halloween, please share them with us in the Comment box below. *No....
by Mark O'Brien | Oct 28, 2014
In an earlier post, I wrote about the important necessity — and the effective simplicity — of telling the truth. It was a lesson I learned, of course, from children. Since then, I found this: In an article called, “High-School Students Respect First Amendment...
by Mark O'Brien | Oct 24, 2014
This handsome fella is young Crush, the newest member of the OCG Pet Family. In case you hadn’t noticed, he’s a Great Dane. He’s a big, gentle boy; and everything about him is modest … except his appetite. To make your pledge to the Crush Food...
by Mark O'Brien | Oct 23, 2014
Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. (Henry Ford) A friend froze me in my tracks the other day. In the midst of a conversation we were having, he said: “I have a thought.” I couldn’t believe it....
by Mark O'Brien | Oct 20, 2014
I saw a LinkedIn update the other day notifying me that the enterprise of one of my professional connections had just qualified as a woman-owned minority business (WOMB). Needless to say, the acronym struck me as apt, since it’s hard to imagine anything more...